Subject: Something special for you!

Hey hey Friend,

30 Day High Level Mentorship - Kicks Off on 20th.

This is for anyone and everyone who has watched the passion to profit Masterclass and is ready to take Massive Action toward creating the Lifestyle that you want to live! IT'S EXCITING TRUST US!

Both Kirra & Bek, really wanted to give back to those of you that are getting started & Gift you an Exclusive 30-day Mentorship program working Intimately with the 7-8 figure Industry Leaders so that you really kick off Powerfully & Successfully when launching your business. This is an opportunity that really gets to set you up for the long term.

A message from Bek,

Mentorship is the STRATEGY to have a powerful and Strong start-up in business & business owner. And if you follow me on social media, you will hear me talking a lot about Strategy. Because it is something that I can wholeheartedly say, has propelled my business into the success it is today.

My business didn’t start off with a strong Strategy in place and I found myself about 3 months down the track feeling a little lost. It wasn’t until I took up a mentoring opportunity by an Industry leader (One of the same ones we are giving you exclusive access to) that my business really started to take shape and perform. I encourage anyone who is starting a business and wanting to create massive momentum to take hold of this GOLDEN opportunity of mentorship like I did, by taking action to what it is you are passionate about.

A few things you can expect to Gain:

How to Build your Brand Organically

How to Launch Powerfully

How to set your Business up so Automation is working for you

Daily Income Producing Activities

Hacks & Top tips for Business on Social Media

And so much more…

Remember that if you still have a few questions, you need answers after the Masterclass. Kirra & Bek are taking calls and are more than happy to make sure that Passion to Profit members have the opportunity to access this Exclusive BONUS as a gift.

Kirra & Bek
