Subject: Some people thought we were crazy!

Hey Hey Friend,

Here's a story for you:

For quite some time now, some people thought we were crazy.. ⁠

And maybe we are. ⁠

But I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm bloody excited!⁠

We bought our bus in March to convert it into a motorhome. ⁠

We hit the road for FT travel in a few months.⁠

People have said.. ⁠

" Why would you do that?"⁠

" How the hell are you going to cope"⁠

" I could never live in such a small space"⁠

" You are crazy"⁠

" What if it doesn't work out"⁠

" What are you doing, you don't even have a license to drive the thing"⁠

And you know what they had some valid points lol⁠

But did we let it stop us? Nope! ⁠

This is how we choose to live our life... ⁠

We make BIG moves so we can live the life we want⁠

We don't let fear stop us from living our best damn life.⁠

We take risks and we sure as heck do not let others' opinions affect our decisions.⁠

We are committed to living our life to the fullest and I am so freaking excited for what's to come. ⁠

So yeh.. maybe we are a little crazy. ⁠

But I would rather be crazy living every day to the fullest than 'normal' and settling for a mediocre life!⁠

Where are my crazy people at? 🙋🏻‍♀️⁠ You stay awesome!!!


