Subject: So... I did a thing..

And it might be the best decision I have ever made

Hey Friend,

So, I did a thing & I’m claiming it, It might have been the best decision I ever made.

Get comfy because this one is a little longer than my usual posts.

Three weeks ago, I impulsively decided to delete all social media apps off my phone. And let me tell you, it's been a freaking game-changer!

And there ain't no going back. ❌📱

After years of working online, embracing the social media world, creating content, consuming content, staying up to date with the algorithm updates and everyones lives online and documenting and sharing my own….. I was exhausted.

I found myself stuck in the scroll hole, mindlessly consuming content, falling into the trap of comparisonitis and I found it was affecting my mood, my energy levels, my creativity and my overall productivity drastically.

Like my screen time report was embarrassing.

So, despite the fact that I was a little nervous to do it because I work 100% online, I decided enough was enough, I needed a break (for my own mental health) and that I would delete ALL social media off my phone and only access it through my laptop when I needed to work.

And guess what? My life and business didn’t crumble. Wild Right!

Jokes aside, it's actually been incredible!

My screen time has plummeted, and I'm feeling more energised, creative and productive than ever before.

It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, you know?

I've rediscovered my love for creating content and remembered that…

Social media is a high light reel

Its way more FUN to create than consume content.

And that I can be WAY more productive if I only work from my laptop.

Here's the kicker: You don't have to be online all the time, even if you work online.

Finding that balance is a game-changer especially for me, and I'm here to tell you that it's possible for you too!

So, if you're curious about working online and creating a kick-ass business without sacrificing your sanity, I've got something special for you.

Join me tomorrow evening for: A Full open book session, no fluff or BS.

Where I will speak about:

What to sell, Who to sell to and How to make actually make sales and $$ online.

There will also be a limited time offer available to those who get started within 72 hours:

Let's dive into how you can find success without being chained to your devices.

Sound good?

Reply with "Link Please" if you're ready to take back control of your time and live your best life!

And I will shoot you a message with the link to access tomorrow nights session

