Subject: RE: Hey have we met?

Kirra here – It’s been a while since I grabbed your attention and you grabbed your free PDF!
What happened!? 
I know life gets in the way but remember… I started just like you are today – an email from someone I’d never met which set me forward on the EXACT path I used to go from being a stay-at-home Mum to now running my SUCCESSFUL business online – And it wasn’t that hard!
I honestly can’t wait to guide you through the 3 steps I took to get there but first - tell me – did you actually get the PDF?!! You might need to check that annoying spam folder if not ☹ Let’s do this!
Have you ever considered that there truly could be an easier way?
Like, I mean truly, a way to make REAL money online?
Something had you click through after watching my video…
Was it that you want endless travel?
A laptop lifestyle?
Or was it simply to be able to do school drop off without having to get out of your pyjamas?
I get it and here’s why, because I used to be you… 
For making it this far… ( and many have tried and failed before I’m sure…)
I’m gifting you this free training on the 3 steps I LITERALLY took to ACTUALLY make money online.
I know it’s COMPLETELY weird to receive an email from someone you’ve never met but I want you to know that I’ve been there too and all it took was for me to take a leap of faith and here’s what I want you to do too…
Click this and get excited that you are on your way to living a lifestyle where you truly get the freedom from both time and finances to reach your goals - whatever they
may be!
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