Subject: On this week Wildly Free Women Showcase we have...

Hey Hey Friend,

On this week's Wildly Free Women showcase we have Trina

Mumma of 4. Intuitive Artist & Holistic Lifestyle Coach!

She is going to be sharing a bit about her story from absolute rock bottom 7 years ago where she was getting herself clean and working through some deep addictions and traumas!

To living today, where she has turned her whole life around & is the complete polar opposite of what she once was. And how by simply sharing her experience and lessons, she is helping so many others to heal from past life trauma & social conditioning so that we can all come together to raise the next generation of world sharpers & heart-centered leaders 

Excited to dig deep with Trina today at 10:30am AEST!

If you're not already part of the group, jump into our Facebook Group called Wildly Free Women by clicking this link 

See you all there!


