Subject: Ok ok ok day 2 - what a freaking vibe!

Hey Friend,

Ok ok ok day 2 - what a freaking vibe!

I am literally still buzzing. 

Shit got a little real and it was a little triggering but… 

We really dug deep in becoming really aware of who we are currently being and how we are currently showing up for ourselves.

And sometimes that can feel like a loving bitch slap to the face. Because often what is holding us back is hiding in our subconscious thoughts and is hard to identify but when you do.. We take our power back.

And..  It was so worth it because.. then we released all those BS stories and limiting beliefs and got crystal clear on who we want to become moving forward. 

What the next level version of us will look like!

Tomorrow is the final day of our Mastermind and we will be bringing it home in a BIG way!

Day 3 - Create the life you truly desire!

It is time to set up the foundations to actually create the life you truly desire.. 

And you know what they say… Success comes down to… 80% MINDSET and 20% SKILLSET!

So let’s get our mindset on track so we can manifest the life we truly desire.

And when I say manifest - i am not talking about hippy dippy - lets just put it out to the universe and hope it comes true shit!

Nope we are going to do better than that! 

So if you are still not in the Mastermind Group! 

Click the link below and come join the fun. 

The replays for day 1 and 2 are now available.

And Day 3 goes live tomorrow.

Click the button below to download Day 2's workbook!

So MUCH love,



Download Part 2 Workbook
