Subject:Ā Ok ok ok.. I have something exciting to share! šŸ˜†

Hey Hey Friend,

Ok, Iā€™ve got something exciting to share with you this evening at 5pm AESTā€¦ā  ā 

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Over the past couple of MONTHS, Iā€™ve been working hard behind the scenes to create something special forā€¦ā 


Women who are ready to start creating their own playbook for life, instead of settling for the boring ass rule book they are handing out!ā  ā 

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Iā€™ve never done anything like this before, but Iā€™m so excited and I know itā€™s going to help a lot of driven women to uplevel their lives ā 

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Iā€™m so PUMPED to share the details with you tonight!ā ā 

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If youā€™re excited to see what I have planned to help you create a life you truly fucking LOVE, then be on the lookout for my post being published today at 5pm!ā ā 

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Who wants the details? Lemmeā€™ know

Big Love



