Subject: My favourite thing about building a personal brand... (1 min read)

I want to share with you my favourite thing about personal branding...

And that is that you literally just get to be you....

In all your glory.

In all your mess.

Just you! 🙌🏻

When I first started working online and crafting my brand, I hid the mess and showed the growth and the glory?

I felt like I was wearing a mask 🥽

I hid the struggling freelancer and the real hot mess mum on a mission side of me...

I thought that girls like me wouldn’t want to do what I do.

Maybe they wouldn’t want more freedom.

Maybe they wouldn’t want more time.

Maybe they were happy living their fine life and wouldn’t want more money.

...... Insert eye roll and laugh here..🙄 😂

Because in fact- girls just like me- want exactly want I want.

We want to have the time to be with our families so we can watch them grow

We want the freedom to travel and go on adventures and create memories

We NEED more money to be able to do all of that.

But how the heck do we get to show up and give it our all when we have draining full-time jobs that take away our energy and focus on what we love and desire to do.

That’s why I started crafting a real authentic brand online and supporting women just like myself to leverage the online space to simply share their lifestyles and create an income from showing up as THEM.

In the good times and the bad!

I thought I should hide my struggles - when in-fact the EXACT person I want to support to build the lives of their freaking dreams are having the same struggles so why the heck wouldn't I share the lessons I have learned to help others.

So that’s why I LOVEEE personal branding- coz it’s not fake, and the more real you can be the more people will connect with YOU. 💕

Ps- ladies, how cute is my little fam bam!! 😍

They are why I do what I do!

Chat soon 


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