Subject: Motivation Is For Suckers!

Hey hey good evening :)

I reckon motivation is for suckers!⁠

Seriously if I was going to rely on motivation to start my business
or go to the gym or eat healthier I would still be working in mining,
eating Maccas 3 times a week and not ever working out 🙄🙄⁠

To rely on motivation solely is setting yourself up for failure.⁠

If you want something bad enough, you need to train yourself
to become disciplined enough to do it. 👌⁠

And you need to work towards it every single day until it becomes
second nature and even then you cant stop working at it. ⁠

Because its much easier to go to your 'job', eat maccas three times
a week and never train, than it is to run your own businesses,
train at least 3 times a week and consciously eat healthy!⁠

So don't be a sucker 😂 and If you really want something,
put in the work to get it!⁠

Simple right?? 😂😂⁠

Maybe not, but it will be worth it!

Chat soon





