Subject: Money is triggering as F 💰

Hey hey Friend,

Money is triggering as F

When you don’t have it you want it. 

When you have it you don’t want to talk about it. 

Just in case someone thinks your pretentious or money hungry. 

When others make it quickly its to good to be true. 

When you don’t understand how other people value it they are wasting it when they spend it. 

When they don’t spend it they are a tight ass. 

Your perception of money is yours. 

For some it’s easy to earn the big bucks. 

For others it’s hard to earn a few dollars. 

Your income is a direct reflection of what you believe you deserve.

A direct reflection of how worthy you feel you are.

So why don’t we celebrate it? 

Money is just energy.

It’s a currency we use to create experiences.

The attachment you have to money is the problem.

It’s not evil 

The people who use it for evil are evil 

It’s not unimportant 

The people who don’t have any and choose to struggle without it to prove how unimportant it is are those who have been victim to others choosing money over them.

Money doesn’t have anything to do with how good of a person you are.

But it does show other people what you truly believe about yourself.

What you believe you are worth.

You think your happy, confident and you got your life together.....but your broke.

That’s a clear sign that you don’t believe you deserve to have the life you desire.

So why all the intense negative energy behind it? 

Because people that don’t have it struggle to survive without it. 

Because some that do have it use it as a power currency over those that don’t.

It’s not moneys fault.

That’s a human condition called greed.

And when you have experienced this in some form you either.

Want to join in so you don’t get left without again.


You want to avoid it and convince yourself you don’t need it.

How about creating a new story 

One where money is.........


Money is beautiful,

It’s giving,

It’s authentic,

It’s fun,

It’s caring,

It’s connected,

It’s spiritual,

How about collectively creating a new story around the currency that we get to use.

To create, 

To impact, 

To experience, 

To give, 

To love, 

To share, 

Call it whatever you want.

Do with it whatever you want.

But your beliefs and story around money will ultimately lead you to experience life in the struggle without it or experience the joy with it to support you. 

Either way it’s not going anywhere and you will have a relationship with it for the rest of your life.

So you can choose for it to be an effective or ineffective part of your story in this lifetime. 

Most of us have inherited our money story from our ancestors that have been passed down from generation to generation.

It’s not even ours and it doesn’t work anymore in the society we live in today. 

You can choose to love it and have it love you back or play the blame game and point the finger at it for all your problems? 

I choose to be in a beautiful and connected gorgeous partnership with it.

I choose to allow it to support me in everything I do.

I choose to receive it with open arms and be grateful for all of the choices it gives me.

I choose to spend it, hold it and circulate it with a powerful loving intention.

My relationship with money is why have earned 7 figures this year with ease and grace.

So how is your current relationship with money?

This epic post is from our beautiful WFW showcase guest Bek who will be joining us on Tuesday at 1:45pm AEST to chat all things money honey!

Let's master your money mindset so you can call in all the money with ease, grace and flow! 




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