Subject: Let’s talk about recommitment…

You can have all your shit together and then something unexpected comes along and knocks you off your feet.

Hey hey Friend,

Let’s talk about recommitment…. ⁠

You can have all your shit together and then something unexpected comes along and knocks you off your feet. ⁠

This does not invalidate your progress. ⁠

Sometimes you need to fall in order for something new and better to emerge. ⁠

At any time you can recommit to your growth, your goals and your progress. ⁠

You don't have to wait until Monday, the new year or for anyone else. ⁠

You can do it right now, in an instant. ⁠

If you are still reading this. ⁠

Here is your sign and a friendly reminder to recommit. ⁠

Much Love

