Subject: I've been working on something 🤫

And it is not what you expect!!

Hey Friend,

We are well and truly getting back into the swing of things post Japan and it feels GOOD!!!

And finally the numbers are in.. So let's talk about how we closed off June.

Eighty eight thousand, eight hundred and fifty dollars & 15c

$88,850.15 was the total amount produced in sales in June 2024 from our affiliates even though it was actually one of our lower months as we were all celebrating and holidaying overseas 🇯🇵!

Not too shabby at all hey!

We also had a tonne of our newer affiliates making their first, second, third and even higher - sales.

This just goes to show the duplication works and SUCCESS LOVES SPEED 

If you are ready to dive in and learn from those who went before you and have created the type of success you desire.

Reply "Tell Me More"

And I will reach out to chat more ❤️

Don't get left behind by High-ticket affiliate marketing like I did with Bitcoin! Arghhh

In June we also welcomed a huge number of new affiliates, over 20 😮 - and we ain't slowing down!

This business, this industry is rapidly on the way up and the stats don't lie.


This is why we show you what goes on behind the scenes right inside our online community.

The Wildly Free Collective

So you know that there is genuine results being produced and people getting started.

I know you think;

'Could I do this?'....

'What if I could do this?'

You are not alone and you aren't the first to think that.

The only difference is these courageous women & men all took the leap anyway.

And in June they started creating their new financial future - AND you could make the decision to do this too.

Don't get left behind from High-ticket affiliate marketing like we did with Bitcoin!

I have been working on this in the background for SO long.

I am about to launch my first product!!!!

And I am soooo damn excited.

I have poured my heart and soul into creating & manufacturing this product.

And let me just say it is Luxe AF!

Stay tuned & keep an eye on my socials for more details.

👆 But here is a little sneak peak 👀

And I want to leave you with a quote for you to take into the week ahead...

"You either learn from mentors or mistakes..

When you learn from those who have gone before you and created the life you desire. You will reduce your success timeline"


