Subject:Ā šŸ”„Introducing The Momentum Mastermind šŸ”„

Hey hey Friend

In case you haven't registered yet, this reminder is for you!

ā The Momentum Mastermind is going to be fire.. It is a full day virtual event designed to get you set up for the next 90 days..

These masterminds are about giving you the supercharge momentum to get the ball rolling towards your dreams, goals, and desires!

Lets check out the absolute fire line up.......

First Up we have.....

The Instagram Legend that is Brock Johnson. 

As a successful entrepreneur, Brock knows a thing or two about the importance of consistency and momentum in your business and how you show up in the online space to make an impact!

Itā€™s then time to hear from...

The Queen of the paid ad experience! Kyliee X. Stevenson 

Who will be joining us to talk all about Facebook ads and creating investment momentum into your business with this focus.

Her success is a testament to how much she has consistently invested her time into mastering this resource! You wonā€™t want to miss this!!

Up next....

Kristie X Ord, Rebekah L Femia & Brooke W March 

Are then going to taking us through the A-Z of creating momentum and energy in your very own launch!

Ever wanted to recreate a launch of your own to suit your exact niche and personal brand? Youā€™ll be well equipped after this epic session with three incredible creators!

And then the queen of momentum herself...

Shinarah Enosa 

Is going to be joining us to talk to the power of culture, consistency and duplication. She has had massive success with building an incredible collective alongside her team and leaders and they have built a wonderful culture of support, fun and impact, which is what we love to hear!!

Howā€™s this energy sounding so far legends!?!

We sure know how to thrown an event donā€™t we!

There are going to be some amazing live giveaways, thereā€™ll absolutely be FUN and dancing and we canā€™t wait to feel your collective energy!!!!

To close this amazing event...

The one and only duo that is Regan Anne Hillyer & Juan Pablo Barahonaā€¦

They are 8 figure income earners and will be quantum leaping our mindsets and belief systems to truly embrace wealth, abundance and legacy and being shown how to really be available to receive your hearts desires.

They believe that we can have it all, no matter how that gets to look for us.

This is going to be the best way to gain momentum for the rest of 2021 and keep it going right into 2022!

Be sure to check out the Let's Go Digital Replay to find out how you can get access to join us for FREE.

Replay link below.

We will see you there šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤ā 


