Subject: I’m calling myself out 😬

The real reason I felt like giving up

Calling myself out..

The real reason I felt like giving up…..

It wasn’t actually because it all felt to hard.

That was some surface level bullshit…

When I dug deeper it turns out it was actually because I was afraid of the success.

The success I would inevitably have if I kept going.

I was literally cock blocking my own success.

It sounds so stupid when I say it out loud.

But the realisation came to me after an incredible chat with a mentor and coach of mine.

So fucking grateful for the people who I have in my corner.

I had become so comfortable with this life I had created, really making the most of the freedom while we were travelling, the slow days, the adventures, the spontaneity, the variety, the fun and care-free days with no structure or plans just full go with the flow vibes.

That I was afraid.

I was afraid if I kept going, if I kept chasing my dreams and taking action and growing my businesses that I would become to busy to live the life I truly desired.

I was afraid there would be too many leads to juggle, to many sales to manage, to many things to do ALL THE TIME.

I was afraid I’d have to spend to much time working in my biz and not enough time actually out there living a life of freedom, fun, flexibility, travel, ease and flow.

It’s like they say.. New levels, new devils right.

And this was the new devil which reared it’s head at this stage of my journey.

Afraid of my own success? Like what is that?

I had gotten so up in my head about it that I forgot the universal law that says you can have it all.

Especially when at my finger tips I have a business which can support you to do so.

A business that runs with ease and flow and is wildly abundant when it is managed properly.

It was like a slap in the face.

I CAN have the Wildly Successful Business AND live a Wildly Free life.

I can have an abundance or leads, sales flowing in with ease and flow and an overflowing bank account while also having the true freedom lifestyle I desire.

And from that moment my next project was born.

Straight from the heart a vision to support more women to educate more women, to empower MORE WOMEN to ignite their purpose, step into their power and create the life they truly desire.

Stay tuned later tonight for the big reveal 🤍