Subject: I was 28 and completely burnt out!

Hey Friend,

I want to share a little story with you about how I was...

28 and completely burnt out!⁠⁠
I literally thought to myself “is this how it is going to be?”⁠⁠
Am I just supposed to...
Maintain a career⁠⁠
Bitch about my commute⁠⁠
Keep building someone else’s business, someone else’s dream..⁠
Stay living life on auto pilot??
I was not keen on that!⁠⁠
As humans, we were not meant to..⁠⁠
Sit at a desk from 9-5 ⁠⁠
Come home every night and watch Netflix⁠⁠
Only have 4 weeks off a year to do what we would love to be doing every day⁠⁠
Have zero creativity⁠⁠
Live the same day over and over⁠⁠
Have all your dreams and goals just pushed to the side⁠⁠
There is so much more to life than that!⁠⁠
Find your passion, step into your power and create the life you truly desire 💕⁠⁠

Much love,

