Subject: I felt like chucking in the towel and calling it quits.

Hi Lovelies,

I wanted to share something with you 👇

I felt like just chucking in the towel and calling it quits.   

Trying to maintain growing my businesses while also navigating bus life, travelling, homeschooling and medical diagnoses all just got to much.  

It all just felt too hard.   

I haven’t shared openly the struggles I have faced the past few months. Mostly because I didn’t know how to share whilst also keeping it all together.   

From hospital stays and diagnoses 

To whirlwind trips and adventures  

From nights camped up in incredible places  

To nights admitted to hospital and last minute trips to the see medical teams  

From bouts of anger, anxiety, depression and fear.  

To feeling so truly grateful, full of love, joy, happiness and appreciation for the life we have created.   

But amongst that whirlwind business just began to feel hard.  

It began to feel clunky and overwhelming 

I felt uninspired, blocked and unsure of the next step.   

In amongst all the chaos I forgot how lucky I am.   

And it took for a slap in the face kinda reminder from a mentor of mine.   

Not a literal slap in the face but you know what I mean.   

She reminded me that the business I run gets to be simple.   

It gets to be fun  It gets to be easy.  

She made me realise in that moment that even after running successful online businesses for almost 4 years we still face blocks and loss of momentum and that doesn’t mean you have to give up.   

I am truly grateful for the businesses I have created and the space they allow me to navigate life when it throws what feels like an actual shit tonne of curve balls.   

It’s like they say… new levels new devils.   

But in the moment of the realisation that I was the only person standing in my own way. And it gets to be way more simple than I was making it at the time.   

I just decided to refocus and make the most of the epic business I have at my fingertips.   

So here we are..   

Taking it to the next level.  

Martika and I relaunched our group The Wildly Free Collective  

And I am co-creating so absolute magic which I will release the details on soon to support driven and ambitious women to get the fuck out of their own way and launch into the online space with a bang   

Stay tuned, things are going to a new level up in here.