Subject: Gratitude is the real MAGIC...

Hey Friend,

I have a little story I want to share with you...

Gratitude is the real Magic!!! 🌟

I can literally pinpoint the exact day my life changed… 

My life changed December 27th, the day I started reading the Magic and actually implementing it!

It was the first time I read the book cover to cover and stuck to it.. 

I began really feeling it, really seeing it and my whole mindset changed. 

I found myself not sweating the small as much, celebrating my wins more and being so much more grateful for every single thing I have in my life! 

And my whole world changed, my business took off, my relationships flourished, my income increased, again and again, I was happier, I was clearer than ever on my goals and vision, my family were happier and everything felt – ahhhmazing!! 💫

And then….  

We went on an epic holiday to QLD, to attend an epic event and visit my amazing family and the dreaded C word took the world by storm.

I stayed on track was journaling daily, keeping a positive mindset and then...

Everything just got too much and I fell completely off the bandwagon, I got super overwhelmed and caught up in it all, it felt like I was on a rollercoaster of emotions every single day 🎢

So, a week has passed since I stopped doing my daily gratitude practice and I am feeling it, I feel slower, my chest feels heavy, I have been feeling foggy and unfocused.. my mindset has slipped that’s for sure!

But this morning I kick-started my practice again. 

I set my alarm for 6 am, got up before hubby and the kids and sat for 20 minutes doing my gratitude practice and journaling and I felt amazing afterwards.

Now I am committed, committed to getting back on the gratitude bandwagon and have set myself a challenge to not miss even 1 day for the rest of the year.

Gratitude truly is the best attitude and I am here for it... 100%

Much Love

Chat soon 



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