Subject: Girl, you don't have to settle for a 'fine' life!

Hey Friend

Girl, you don’t have to settle for a “fine” life! 🙅‍♀️

It wasn’t until I became a mum of 2 that I realised how sick of living “a fine life” I really was... 🙄

Before I was a mum, I was a serial career hopper, but nothing stuck...And there was a part of me that always knew there was something more that

I was meant to be doing.

None of these jobs or careers fulfilled me or lit me up.

I was here for 6 months, there for 12 months and it paid the bills, but it was just "fine"!

And I knew that I wanted more, but my life was to “fine” for me to do anything about it!

And then when I fell pregnant

And I took maternity leave

I finally slowed down enough in my life to realise…

How very fine, my life was

And how sick of it I was!

And how much I did not want to show my kids that as a life

I now have 2 kids and being a mum, I have realised that living that 9-5 life from job to job, paying the bills is just… not something that I wanted to do!

And when I saw this family online travelling the world ticking off their bucket list goals.

I remember thinking..." that's the kinda life I want to live"

That shone to me like the thing I want to spend my life doing with my hubby and our kids.

To travel the world having amazing experiences and creating lasting memories

It became so clear, I had all these ideas, all these things I wanted to create to have an impact in the world, but I knew my "fine" life wasn’t going to get me there.

And so, when my girlfriend reached out to me and shared with me how I could create that lifestyle too! It felt too good to be true!

I had always looked at ways to create more money within the life I had, the careers I had and even being in mining we’d seen the opportunities to create money, but the lifestyle just wasn't there and the money was never going to be enough to truly create freedom we craved!

I wanted to show my family every corner of the globe and to have experiences and create memories to last a lifetime!

But what she shared with me changed everything.

She showed me what it was like to truly be The Bucketlist Family, the skills required to actually build a brand and business online and how to do that in a way that could give you wild wealth and time to have all of these experiences.

And since she showed me this…

Since I have been implementing this…

My world has transformed.

These lofty dreams of travelling the world and spending summer abroad in the Caribbean, and moving to Bali for months on end with the kids whilst immersing ourselves in the local cultures... they now actually feel real, they now feel possible!

Because of what she shared with me 💕

And what I realised… as much as I wanted to make an impact and live my life while travelling the world with my family what I also want to do is help other mums and other women looking to escape the corporate grind or who are in careers that don’t light them up, the ones that are sick of living their “fine” life learn how to do this for themselves

So, I reached out to my girlfriend and asked her, if we could put something together to share this info with other mummas on a mission to create a new normal for them and their families.

And she said "hell yes"…

We now have an awesome little video that breaks down everything she shared with me and how she, I and so many others are now able to take advantage of this new-age digital economy, to create a life on our terms and live our lives with true personal freedom and total creation, doing everything that we desire.

And it was created for you.. so, if you would like access to see how you could do this for yourself too.

Just shoot me a message, I would love to support you on this journey!

If you have any questions about how we are doing it feel free to message me and connect.

I just want to see more mums with their kids and their partners, travelling the world, doing the things they love and just living their dreams to the fullest!

Because if we are here for anything surely it is that!

Much Love




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