Subject: From Mining Mum To Mumpreneur in 2 short years.

I want to share with you how I went from mining mum to mumpreneur in 2 short years :)

Let's take it back a couple of short years..

My life looked a whole lot different to what it does now. 

You would have found me working as a HR Co Ordinator on a local mine-site in Regional WA. 
I was working 6am-4pm 5 days a week and having to juggle everything that came with and raising a young family. 
I have always been a hard worker, from such a young age, I always had this hustle mindset engrained in me and this work hard mentality. 
But I have also always seen these people online living their best lives while working from their laptops, and that totally called to the travel addict and freedom lover inside of me.
See... I have always been a serial career hopper. 
Before mining, I have worked in hospitality, sales, reservations, reception, events management and recruitment. 
OMG I have had sooo many different jobs in different industries and I have like aspects of them all but none felt quite right, there was not 1 that I would have committed to doing day in day out for the rest of my life.

I always knew I wanted more! 
I craved more freedom to travel when we wanted, more time with my friends and family, more flexibility to do what I want when I want, like spending days at the beach, go chasing waterfalls and go on an adventure exploring with my family and friends.. 

What I really wanted was more variety in my life :) 

And I had searched for years and years for a business that would allow me that freedom.
I had looked into all kinds of opportunities including crypto, online courses, e commerce, affiliate marketing and even different nwm business – But none of them felt quite right and nothing really clicked 
When I was on maternity leave with my 2nd little one was when I finally took the plunge, invested into myself and first started my online journey. 
I did course after course to become a social media manager and I was still struggling as a freelancer. 
This was my first introduction to the power of social media. 

And I was hooked, I could see the power of it. 

But the courses I was doing lacked the 2 integral parts… simplicity and support. 
I was so overwhelmed with all of the different strategies and so over the fact that I was consuming massive amounts of training and still feeling so lost. 
The laptop lifestyle was there and I was so grateful for it, I was able to generate an income online and work from my phone and laptop, but I was working so hard, I was staying up late, getting up early on my phone all the time, just constantly busy, busy, busy. 
And I didn’t really get to enjoy that experience because I was working so hard for it. 
The time freedom I longed for was fairly non-existent, I was still working for other people and even though I could work from my laptop I still craved that actual true personal freedom.. 
Then… and like it was meant to be… 

One of my amazing clients who actually had become an amazing friend and business mentor to me, Introduced me to this space and I had been watching her journey into the online space for a little while and it was so inspiring.. 
I realised pretty quickly that there was a simpler way to create real money online outside of the hustle away from the 9-5 and without pestering friends and fam… 

Now… I am no tech wizard or some digital guru, I came into this space only ever using social media to keep in touch with friends and fam and I sure as heck didn’t come with a pre-existing following. 
I didn’t actually know how I was going to make it work. 

But what I did have was this burning desire to create a new normal for myself and my family. 
And now I run multiple digital businesses, we have the freedom to travel very regularly and go on adventures as a family, I can work from anywhere that has a wifi connection and I am there for my kids everyday ☺ 
And to top it off I have had massive personal transformation and breakthroughs during my online journey.. 

Like looking back I feel like I am a completely different person now and I love it! 
All because of the power of learning to simplify the skillset of digital marketing  
I will be forever grateful 

And it is possible for you too!! :) 

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