Subject: Comparisonitis Got You Stuck?

I want to share something with you... (1-minute read 👇)
The number 1 thing that held me back!
And maybe holding you back too!

As I began really venturing off on my own path, away from the normal 9-5 grind and really striving towards creating a life I truly desired and a successful online business to be able to fund that life.

I found myself slipping into a lot of comparisonitis.
Have you heard of it?

I would find myself comparing myself others all the time in a sense trying to determine if I was good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, driven enough to actually do what I wanted to do!

And it really just left me in a space of feeling inadequate, unworthy and unappreciative of what I had already had in my life.

Comparisonitis really is the killer of self-worth, and if not careful, it can suck the happiness right out of you.

It made me focus all of my attention on what I didn’t have, pulling an invisible sheet over all of the blessings in my life.

When I would see someone take an amazing trip,
I'd wish I was there with them

When I'd see someone with a cute outfit,
I'd wish I had a more stylish wardrobe

When I would see someone with toned abs,
I'd wish I could have her body

When I would see someone out having fun,
I would wish my life was more exciting.

When I would see someone having amazing business success,

I would wish I could do that too..
But here is the clincher.. I wouldn't believe that I actually could do it.

Because... I was in full FOMO mode, struck down with comparisonitis.

And it is so easy to fall into that trap and feel stuck and not enough.

But the thing is..
No one in this world is more deserving of success or any better than anyone else.

We are equal! we all deserve success, happiness and health in our lives.

You can have everything you want.

You just have to take EVERYONE else off the pedestal and BELIEVE you can!


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