Subject: Challenge Starts Tomorrow - It's Hype Up Time!

Hey Hey Friend,

Last chance to join our FREE "Gratitude Is The Best Attitude Challenge".

👆 Click the link above to get amongst the transformational fun!! 👆And...

⭐️⭐️It's time for a little Pre-Challenge Hype Up!! ⭐️⭐️

First of all... who is EXCITED for the Gratitude Challenge to kick off tomorrow?

Reply with a 'YEH GURL'  if you are ready to transform your life over the next 28 days using the magic of gratitude!

And secondly it's time to do a little pre-challenge intention and goal setting!! 🤩🤩

Take 10 mins today to read the first few chapters of 'The Magic' book and get SUPER clear on all of your GOALS, DREAMS & DESIRES.

The book will guide you through exactly how to do this on page 25 :)

It's as simple as dividing it into 6 categories:
👉🏼Health & Body
👉🏼Career & Work
👉🏼Personal Desires &
👉🏼Material Things
And getting super clear on everything you want to bring into your life within those categories :)

This is such a fun exercise...

See you tomorrow bright and early for Day 1 :)

Each Day I will post the daily practice at 6am AWST for you to post your top 3 gratitude on!

Soooo excited to see your lives transform!

See you on the inside.. 

Lots of love and positivity



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