Subject: Becoming more sustainable, gets to be simple 🍃

Becoming more conscious and sustainable doesn’t require a radical shift in your lifestyle…

We are all about keeping it easy, simple and FUN!

Over the next 4 days, we will be sharing with you...

Easy ways and epic solutions to reduce toxins in the home, reduce our carbon footprint, get rid of water bottles for good and how and WHY its a must to become sustainable long term.

From the water, we drink to...

The food we eat and

The air we breathe..

We are exposed to toxins every single day.

Our bodies simply cannot deal with the growing number of toxins we interact with every day.

Join us for our

4 day conscious, sustainable living course

And learn how to make better choices for you and for the planet -

Click the link to get amongst the fun!!

What will you learn??? 👇

🍃 Day 1…

How do I reduce my Plastic Footprint…

Did you know… it takes 400 years for plastic to break down and a lot of the time, it ends up in our waterways and oceans impacting marine life and contributing to pollution.

- Learn about the three actionable steps to reducing plastic within your home

- Learn how to reduce buying plastic in the first place and the alternatives that exist to prevent the issue rather than solve it

- Discover the truth about how we actually digest plastic particles in our body and where they come from

🍃 Day 2..

How do I reduce chemicals in my home

There is 205 times more air pollution inside our home than outside. Your home could be making you sick!

- Learn the 5 most common hidden toxins in the home and how to reduce harmful levels

- Learn how to quickly detox your bathroom, kitchen, lounge and laundry

- Learn how to tackle your ‘ditch and switch’ list for maximum impact for the family

🍃 Day 3 -

How do you become sustainable long term?

The average person's carbon footprint is 8.6 tonnes.

- Discover how investing in just one household appliance can help you reduce your carbon footprint by reducing the amount of household products you consume longterm!

- Learn how to consciously shop for items that last a long time so you’re not continuously purchasing items that end up in landfill

- Look at the breakdown and see the difference in monetary cost when you compare sustainable living to consumer-focused living

And... My fav... DAY 4 👇

🍃 Day 4 -

What is the conscious and sustainable living solution?

After all of this, there must be a simple way to start living more consciously and sustainably.

Dive into day 4 and discover how one shift can change everything!

- How electrolysed reduced water greatly benefits your health, your family health and the earth’s health

- Become aware of the water you are showering and bathing in and just how much chlorine and chemicals are being absorbed into your bloodstream (and how to change this)

- Receive a deeper understanding of how water can truly change your life

🍃 🍃 🍃 🍃

If you care about yourself, others and the planet and are ready to make a change in your life..

Click this link to get access to the FREE 4-day course.

It all kicks off today!! :)

See you in there 👋

