Subject: Are you ready to unlock the secrets of becoming a high-profit Affiliate?

Your guide on the inside

Hey Friend,

I want to share a little bit more of our back story (1 mintue read)

From... Overworked gym owner (Willow),

Exhausted corporate marketing manager (Jes)

and overwhelmed mumma working in mining.

To.... Complete newbs in the online space, trying to navigate learning ALL the things, making mistakes, failing, trying again, figuring it out, creating some success, fine tuning it some more, scaling our businesses, teaching others and then transitioning to...

Working full-time online as digital marketers, online business coaches and affiliate marketing mentors

Willow selling her gym, retiring her hubby, relocating with her fam to their own little slice of paradise in the Perth hinterland

Jes kicking her corporate career to the curb, stepping into her unleashed bad-ass self, travelling around the world and living her best dog mum life

And me retiring herself from the 9-5 and now living my best life travelling Aus with her fam, homeschooling our kids and working from my laptop (Kirra)

Our stories are not unique.

But they prove that if you want it bad enough, anyone can create success online.

It's been a bloody wild ride, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

And what I have realised along the way is.... sometimes you just need someone to tell you what the f to do and how to do it.

It's so easy to get stuck in our own heads, be paralysed by fear or consumed by overwhelm and sometimes all we need is a little nudge in the right direction from someone who is looking in from the outside.

Sometimes all we need is..

for someone to go first,

someone to show us there is another way,

someone to tell us our dreams, goals and visions are not crazy,

someone to believe in us, someone to show us what works.

Sometimes all we need is some mentorship, guidance and support.

And that is what we have in each other.

That is what we provide for others

And what we have created collectively for the groups on women that we coach and mentor.

Willow, Jes and I have been working online together for 4 years now and I could not be more freaking grateful for the support, love, friendship, mentorship and nudges in the right direction along the way

And I am so bloody excited to have my grogeous friends, mentors and online biz besties to host a guest speaker session inside The Wildly Free Collective and share their knowledge and be your ‘guide on the inside’ to your success and income in affiliate marketing.

With years of experience and proven success in the industry, they're here to lead you every step of the way. Introducing our very first Guest speaker session...

High-Profit Affiliate - Unlocked!

Your blueprint to creating a successful affiliate marketing business

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of becoming a high-profit Affiliate?

Join Willow and Jes live July 11th 8pm Aest / 6pm Awst

To secure your spot now and get ready to create online financial independence and success..

To lock in your spot, reply with a 🔥 emoji and I will get in touch with the link to access the session.

It's your time to create your own incredible success story babe, lets do this.

Big Love


