Subject: Are you ready for this?

Hey Friend,

Are you ready for this? Wholly shit I am so excited.

Are you ready for the re-launch of this amazing group: Wildly Free Women?

All details coming on Thursday!

I have had the most intense, amazing, overwhelming and incredible 6 months of healing, learning, growing, scaling, resting and diving deep. And through that time, the direction for this group became so fucking crystal clear I could not deny it.

So on Thursday, 1st July, we will re-launch this baby and get ready to create a magic space for women to connect, grow, inspire and have a shit tonne of fun together 💕

Respond to his email if you are keen to see the re-brand. 😁⭐️💛🙌🏻☀️

And If you’re not already there, become part of Wildly Free Women group by clicking this link

See you there!

Much Love


