Subject: All I needed was a little compassion...

Hey Friend,

I wanted to share a story on how I got where I am today..

All I needed was a little compassion, a little direction, a little more understanding. ⁠

I remember so clearly being in year 11 and a teacher saying to me... ⁠

"You're not going to amount to anything if you don't pull your head in"⁠

All the while I was living out of home, pretty much surviving on energy drinks, potato scallops, and McDonalds 🤢, drinking and smoking away the weekends and most weeknights too. ⁠

I was sick all the time and so so skinny and unhealthy.⁠

I had no guidance, no direction, no support, no confidence, no self-belief. ⁠

It felt like I was all alone.⁠

And now I often find myself reflecting on the journey from where I was then to how I got where I am today. ⁠

And I tell you what.. I am so eternally grateful for the journey, the lessons and the people I have met along the way that have had an incredible impact in my life.⁠

That have listened, and understood, and guided, and mentored and supported me to go from that.. ⁠

Lost, shy, scared, wild teenager who was constantly acting out in super unhealthy ways. ⁠

To this wildly free woman who lives her life to the fullest and is creating everything she ever wanted for herself.⁠

And supporting others to do that for themselves too. ⁠

We don't have to do it alone and it doesn't matter where you came from or where you are now. ⁠

You already have everything inside of you that you need to change your life and create an incredible future. ⁠

Sometimes you just need a little compassion, direction, understanding, support and guidance to tap into it!⁠

If you are also interested in joining a community click this link and jump into my Free Facebook Group called Wildly Free Women. ⁠⁠See you there!


Much Love

