Subject: A Little About Me....

Hey hey good morning :)

I thought its about time I let you know a little more about me.

3.5 years ago we left QLD en-route to WA. ⁠

With the plan to work hard for a few years and get "ahead".⁠

We quit our jobs, sold everything we owned and
set off on a 2-month long cross-country road trip.⁠

Down to our last $40 when we arrived in Kalgoorlie,
we found work started working towards our goals.⁠

Making that move was the best decision we have ever made 😄⁠

Since leaving QLD we have:⁠

Both started new careers ⁠
Travelled 1000's of km's through 6 states exploring our beautiful country⁠
Had another baby⁠
Bought a house⁠
Had 3 big holidays abroad⁠
Travelled to 12 countries ⁠
Got engaged in Italy⁠
I quit my new career and started my own online business ⁠
Bought a new car⁠
Got married in Bali⁠
Started another online business⁠
And so so much more :)

And....... we're just getting started!!!⁠

The moral of this story is that when you step out of your comfort zone,
AMAZING things happen!⁠

And if we can do it - ANYONE can!! ⁠

Hope that inspired you a little.

Chat soon





