Subject: A Conscious Entrepreneur.. Now thats label I can live with!

Hey Hey Friend,

If you know me, you know I hate labels..

But this is one I can live with...

"A Conscious Entrepreneur "

As Conscious Entrepreneurs..

We are committed to doing good for the people, good for ourselves and good for the planet.

This is always in my mind when I consider new opportunities.

And that is what was at the front of my mind when I jumped on board with my very first high ticket affiliate offer and every one since then!

Good for me ✔️

Good for others ✔️

And bloody good for the planet ✔️✔️

Now 2021 is just around the corner and marks the official start of PROJECT CONSCIOUS KIZ!!

Conscious Kiz is committed to...

Living more sustainably

🍃Reducing the toxins in our home

Reducing our carbon footprint

🍃 Getting rid of plastics and

Becoming a recycling ninja


🍃Keeping it all super easy, simple, fun and engaging for the whole fam

Who is with me? I am keen for some accountability partners :)

And to get a little head start...

Tomorrow I'm jumping into a free 4-day course hosted by some beautiful women inside our online squad who are absolute queens who live, breath and embody every aspect of sustainable living 💕

I cannot wait.

If you want to join in and get amongst the goodness of sustainable living...

Click the link  to join in the fun and let's make this the new normal..

See you on the inside.


