Subject: 4 Things To Quit Right Now!

4 Things To Quit Right NOW!⁠

1. Trying to please everyone 🙏⁠

Its never going to happen!⁠

What people have to say about you reflects more on them than you!⁠

So ignore what others want you to be and be trully and
authentically YOURSELF!⁠

2. Fearing change 🆓⁠
Change is one of the most powerful things to embrace,
leap outside of your comfort zone and GO FOR IT!⁠

What's the worst that can happen? You fail!⁠

Consider this failing is not actually a failure, it's a lesson learned.⁠

3. Living in the past 📽⁠

Yesterday has passed you can never get it back. ⁠

So own your past but, always look forward and strive to make
your future something you can be super proud of.⁠

4. Procrastinating 🆗⁠
It's like Nike says "Just Do It"⁠

Stop putting things off. Write a list, prioritise your tasks and
get to work ticking them off.⁠

It doesn't matter how long it takes you as long as you are
always working on it.⁠

Chat soon




