Subject: Friend-IN ONE HOUR ONLY-Double your Cash - Double YOUR purchasing power - on your cards!

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Great Day, Friend and all related Winners!

Please join us TONIGHT at 7 PM MST / 9 PM EST as the legend himself, Steve Campbell, gives his first company-wide VIP Overview!

👇👇👇 👇👇👇

Steve is one of Top 20 earners of all time in relationship-marketing, leading teams of millions of people and generating tens of millions of dollars in commissions...better yet, he's just an all-around great guy!

Please commit to joining us and inviting all those you care about, in finding out why we are attracting so many amazing servant leaders, like Steve, to our movement!

👉👉👉 7 PM MST / 9 PM EST



BECAUSE YOUR future is now bright, Friend! 💪😎





==> SIMPLE <== 


NAME, just think about this one thing please read this and I won’t write you again I promise!!

Everybody you know everybody, your mom, dad, sisters, brothers , kids, neighbors, church members! Everybody you literally know swipes their ( credit or debit card )

Every month for gas, food, groceries, electric bill, car payment, car insurance, trips , and everything in between!

On average every person in America spends between $1500 to $4000 a month on their debit and credit cards and get no rewards!!

* This is a fact! When they swipe their credit or debit card that pay all those monthly expenses they get ((( ZERO ))) rewards! *FACT

What we have here is $25! It’s the *Tranzact Card by VISA* it’s $25 onetime no Fees!

** Every-time you swipe it you earn dollar for dollar rewards called

( Z Bucks).

$ Pay your car $300 = $300 Zbucks

$ Pay your light bill $800 = $800 Zbucks

$ Pay your phone bill $300= $300 Zbucks

$ Get gas $100= $100 Zbucks.

$ Dinner and movie $150 = $150 Zbucks

We have right now in our online Store over 1000 products and partner ( Nike shoes. Louis Vitan. Ray-ban sunglasses , computers , bicycles, and many more coming that you can spend your Z bucks on everyday!

We are not changing anybody’s monthly spending habits! We are simply changing the CARD! = $25

We can double every person in the USA’s buying power literally double it dollar match dollar with the ( Tranzact card and Z-Bucks)

Now here is how you benefit and can earn from sharing this with literally everybody you know who needs this for only $25

You can. Become a ( DBO) = Digital Branch Operator

Now anybody you share the $25 Tranzact card with they swipe their card and they earn Zbucks but as a DBA you earn real $$$ on all

The swipes and all the transaction for 10 levels in a Unilevel type structure!

All we are Doing here is sharing the transaction fees of all the Tranzact cards swipes with our ( DBO’s) and not letting the big banks make the billions on swipes and fees anymore.

Give me 5 mins if you want to chat but please don’t miss this! This is not MLM This will work with any business your already doing non compete. This $25 Tranzact card everybody you know and love needs one it’s that simple.

Hope you talk soon! This will be the biggest thing I have ever done or probably will do in my life! Hope you are onboard we can help so many! (SEE BELOW)

Friend... way more THAN A BANK EVER HAS IN THE USA!


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