Subject: MLK Weekend Tournaments - Classic Chess Saturday & Speed Chess Sunday

Classic Tournament

Sat., Jan. 18th

Three rounds

10 AM, 2 PM , 6PM

Time Control: G/75; inc. 30

Rapid Tournament

Sun., Jan. 19th

Four rounds

10 AM, 11 AM, 12 PM, 1 PM

Time Control: G/15; inc. 10

Blitz Tournament

Sun., Jan. 19th

Five Double Rounds

Round 1 starts at 3:00 PM; rounds 2-5 immediately after. Last round should start at approximately 5:30 

Time Control: G/5; inc. 2

Register by tomorrow for early-bird pricing.

Whether you're an old soul who loves to take your time or a Tik-Tok-addled Zoomer, Chess Zone has something for you this weekend. Our Classic Tournament (G/75+30) is this Saturday, and our Rapid (G/15+10) and Blitz (G/5+2) Tournaments are this Sunday.

Welcome to Chess Zone News (CZN), a new monthly offering from the home of rated tournament chess in metro Atlanta. Please send your games and photos from Chess Zone events for possible inclusion in a future edition of CZN to Dan Lucas ( You can send full games or simply interesting positions. PGN preferred.

On Sunday, January 5, we had 22 players turn out for the Championship Section and 19 in the Reserve (U1200) section. Please click here for the crosstables. 

In the game below, Alex Zheng, with a provisional rating of 1451 (based on seven games), used a Dutch Defense against the event’s top seed Damian Krotov who entered the event with a 2094 rating. After winning the tournament, Zheng’s new provisional rating jumped all the way to 1756.

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Upcoming Chess Zone Events

  • Saturday, January 18th - MLK SATURDAY CLASSIC

  • Sunday, January 19th - MLK RAPID

  • Sunday, January 19th - MLK BLITZ 

  • Sunday, January 26th - GENERATIONS