Dear Kid Chess Parent,
In looking at the situation more carefully, with regard to ensuring your child's privacy during our online Kid Chess clubs, we must ask you to enable "Kid mode" on
You can do this by clicking on the username in the top right of the Lichess home page, clicking "preferences" in the drop down, and clicking "Kid mode" in the left-hand navigation column. Once there, you will be asked to enter your password to enable "Kid mode."
Coaching will still be provided to your child via email after the event has ended and coaches will still be in the rooms monitoring and watching games.
NOTE: please make sure your child has created their Lichess account under the username we provided in our first email. This is the only way we can ensure your child gets their games counted toward the end of year trophies.
Thanks so much. We can't wait to see you all online!
Sincerely, The Kid Chess Coaches