Subject: Cowboys and Caviar Chess Night Cancelled Tonight

Hello Chess Players,

Unfortunately, the Cowboys and Caviar Blitz Tournament and chess club is canceled today, Wednesday, February 19th. It is doubtful that we will return to Cowboys and Caviar on Wednesdays. Please check our social media pages for official updates. 

In the meantime, we will continue our Free Play Thursdays at Chess Zone from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM. A list of our upcoming tournaments is included below.


The Chess Zone Team

Upcoming Chess Zone Tournaments

  • Sunday, February 23rd - CLASSIC

  • Saturday March 1st - GENERATIONS

  • Sunday March 9th- WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP

  • Saturday March 22nd - MELEE

  • Sunday March 23rd - CLASSIC

  • Sunday March 30th - SCHOLASTIC K-12