Subject: Club Starts Tomorrow, Friday September 9th

Dear Kid Chess Parents,

Welcome to Kid Chess club at Landmark Christian! We are excited about seeing all of our chess students September 9th.
This semester will be filled with exciting chess, bughouse, and blitz games, as well as targeted lessons to ensure that your young chess player increases his/her skills and interest in the game.

Practice is central to improvement in chess and we encourage all of our students to play chess outside of the classroom. One easy way to do this is to visit the Kid Chess website. Check out the "Learn and Play" area to see all the different activities and learning resources you can engage with.
Have questions? Call us at (770) 575-5802 or visit our website where we have lots of information about our program and coaches.
The Kid Chess Coaches

Landmark Christian Chess Club

Days & dates
Classes meet Fridays, starting September 9th, and ending December 9th, with Trophy Day.

Class times
• 1st Hr - 3:40PM - 4:40PM
• 2nd Hr - 4:45PM - 5:45PM

Club location
Room 100

Club does not meet
10/7 & 11/25

Pick up location

At the front of the school.

* On days when chess club meets, please send your child to school with a note for their teacher that they will be attending chess after school.

** We will notify you by email in the event of changes to class times, locations and/or dates.