Subject: Carpool reminder for Kid Chess at Shiloh Point

Dear Kid Chess Parents,

As a reminder for carpool pickup, parents need to park in a parking space and not in the carpool or fire lane. Parents should walk across at the crosswalk and retrieve their child from the chess coaches. Parents dropping off students for the second session should walk their child to the door to drop them off with a chess coach. We appreciate you helping keep an orderly dismissal so that every child can go home safe after Kid Chess.


The Kid Chess Coaches


Included with your child's tuition, they can now enjoy FREE access to The Kid Chess App – a gateway to an engaging chess experience!

Specially designed for kids, this fun and educational app will assist our coaches in identifying your child's strengths, and pinpointing areas where they can achieve their greatest growth. Join us in unlocking their potential!

Want to get started on your child's device? Simply scan the QR code above to start playing now!