Subject: Friend, here is how to survive the Superbowl?

Hello Friend,

Here are some tips on how to survive today's Superbowl game, and especially if you an anti football fan.
Sure, there are a lot of people who get sucked into this huge event, who really want nothing to do with it
even going as far as to roll their eyes when the word "Superbowl" is mentioned.

For some it's an excuse to order Pizza, Wings, chips and nachos and stuff yourself silly. Never mind if the game gets boring, just eat and drink.
Heck, at  the superbowl party I'm attending at a friend's house today,we are even gonna cut up some veggies and to eat with some exotic dips like baba ghanoush (a fancy namefor eggplant).
Hey, those superlarge football players, who can weigh as much as 325 pounds, did not get that big from eating lettuce!
Watching the game requires high caloric input. And Beer.

If you don't like the game, then there are always the commercials! With advertisers paying 3.5 million for a 30 second spot,
you know they've gotta be good. Don't leave the TV when the commercials start! This is not the time to take a pee break....

New England Patriots or the New York Giants?  It's anyone's guess, and my buddies, who are the real expert's will have the game

Enjoy your Sunday!

Ray Khan


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