Subject: New Updates on the telescope industry and what you can expect this holiday season

New Updates on the telescope industry and what you can expect this holiday season

October 24th, 2020 at 10:43 am EDT

View onlineFirst of all thank each and every one of you for keeping us going through these difficult times that we are all facing. Here is an update of the current situation in the telescope industry; due to high demand manufacture shortages are st ...

New “Hard to get” Products back in stock this week and “Born in the USA?”

October 17th, 2020 at 11:30 am EDT

View onlineHowdy y’all Before we get to the good stuff: The latest in news from South of the Border, that you just have to know. Singer Bruce Springsteen has announced that if President Donald Trump is re-elected he is moving to Australia. Well c ...

It’s time to check out the Red Planet now! This week is your best chance to do so

October 11th, 2020 at 6:19 pm EDT thanksgiving! All the very best to you and yours. It’s been a difficult year for many, so some people are finding little to be thankful for and if you are one of them well here are a few suggestions. *Be thankful we ...

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