Subject: Rob Ford, Late Mayor of Toronto had a premonition he would die young

Rob Ford, Late Mayor of Toronto had a premonition he would die young

May 21st, 2018 at 12:45 pm EDT

Hello Friend,Have you ever received a gift from someone that had you scratching your head?Last year my daughter Danielle gifted me a book entitled: "Ford Nation".It's a book about the late Mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford and also his brother Doug Ford,and ...

Praise the Lord, and pass the collection plate.

May 20th, 2018 at 10:31 am EDT

Hello Friend,Years ago I used to go to church on Sunday with my family, We had a decent Pastor by the nameof Earl MacNutt.Most times he would read some scripture and discuss the moral implications of it and how it affected us in society.I enjoyed lis ...

Renowned inventor of Dobsonian was an avowed atheist

May 19th, 2018 at 11:59 am EDT

Hello Friend.Today we are going to cut right to the meat and potatoes. (or Carrots and Tofu for Vegans/Vegetarians ).I want to include everyone here; nobody gets's left out!Which reminds me of a funny story.You may recall the auspicious name of: Jo ...

Victoria day Weekend! Time to crack open that growler.

May 18th, 2018 at 11:35 am EDT

Hello Friend,I won't be waiting for Sunday to crack open that keg or growler of beer.It's going to be an early start on Saturday when my favourite brewery on Manitoulin Island (Split Rail Brewery)has a deck party with food, flowing kegs of beer and y ...

What Johnny Rotten and Meghan Markle have in common

May 17th, 2018 at 8:45 pm EDT

Hello Friend,Wel it's not hard to figure out this one.They both wanted Change.Change in the standards of society.Johnny Rotten of The SEX PISTOLS spoke about social commentary because frankly the working blue collar classes were tired of getting scre ...

#Not a Vegan and proud of it

May 16th, 2018 at 1:19 pm EDT

Hello,Warning: This message may be offensive to Vegans/Vegetarians. That's your trigger warning folks.While it's politically incorrect these days to admit this, I confess that tonight I intend to barbeque a T-Bone Steak.There, I've proclaimed it~!Do ...

Bigfoot much? He would go APE over this deal!

May 14th, 2018 at 1:27 pm EDT

Save on this bundle package which includeseverything you need for Astro-imaging(Unlike BIGFOOT this deal is Real!) Here is what you get in this package: 18774 Celestron 7amp rechargeable Powertank 18769 Celestron Car battery adaptor 94224 Celestron ...

Morpheus strikes again! But only until May 15th.

May 13th, 2018 at 12:42 pm EDT

To celebrate the latest member of the Morpheus family, the medium focal length 17.5mm, all Baader Morpheus 76-degree Eyepieces will be specially priced at just $239.95 through May 15th! Link: ...

A telescope that any mother (or grad) would love.

May 12th, 2018 at 9:15 am EDT

Celestron NexStar 130 SLT - 5" Reflector Computerized Telescope -FREE 4 piece Kit included! - 31145- Check out this Video Link for a telescope demo: review: Read an in-depth review of the Celestron NexStar 130 ...

Why you can't afford to buy cheap

May 10th, 2018 at 12:22 pm EDT

Hello Friend,You know what women hate in a man likely more than anything else?It's a cheapskate.Now years ago when I was on a tight budget, in some instances I had to be cheap, or budget accordingly.Sure. When you are starting out in life, that's oft ...

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