Subject: New! Meade Instruments releases two Power house CCD Imagers
New! Meade Instruments releases two Power house CCD Imagers
September 8th, 2018 at 12:26 pm EDTHello Friend,Meade Instruments has always been known for innovation.And now they have demonstrated that with two innovative CCD imaging systemsThe renowned Meade Deep Sky Imager has returned in a modern incarnation that is designed to enhance your as ...
These are the ones you are looking for
August 24th, 2018 at 3:40 pm EDTThese are the ones you're looking for. More like this in our store. SHOP NOW Celestron Advanced VX 6" Newtonian Telescope - 32054 $1,169.10 SHOP NOW Celestron AstroMaster 90AZ Telescope - 90m ...
Last day for Starfest Savings! Will Oprah Winfrey be the next James Bond?
August 13th, 2018 at 11:37 am EDTHello Friend,Well it's highly unlikely that Oprah will be the next James Bond. A more likely candidate is actor Idris Elba.(A "hunk" according to several women I've surveyed)'s like this very simple really: In the recent FIFA World cup, FR ...
3 Day Starfest Star Party Savings continues Offer Expires Monday August 13th midnight-SEA MONKEYS INCLUDED!
August 12th, 2018 at 1:42 pm EDTYup, it’s 3-Days ( Well 2 days left now) of savings on some of our Best Selling Products.Telescopes, Equatorial Mounts, Binoculars and Eyepieces & Accessories.and SEA MONKEYS!(Ok, I fibbed about the Sea Monkeys. We don't actually have any of those ...
Meteor Shower set to let public down again...Annual non-event leaves stargazers closed-mouthed
August 11th, 2018 at 7:41 pm EDTHello Friend.The Annual Dissapointids meteor shower (also known as the Perseids) will be happening and on full display this weekend.As the earth passes through the debris fields of Comet Invisible, (also known as Comet Kohoutek) which in 1973 did not ...
3 Day Starfest Star Party Savings! . Offer Expires Monday August 12th midnight
August 11th, 2018 at 3:02 pm EDTYup, it’s 3-Days of savings on some of our Best Selling Products.Telescopes, Equatorial Mounts, Binoculars and Eyepieces & Accessories.Check it out here Skies,Ray Khan
The difference between 2" and !.25" eyepieces and why should care
June 20th, 2018 at 11:04 am EDTHello Friend,You should care because in some instances it can re-energize your stargazing. Newsletter subscriber Neal S. asked a question recently about the difference between 1.25" and 2" eyepieces.It's a good question and complicated by the fact th ...
A Father's day gift for you
June 17th, 2018 at 8:54 am EDTHello Friend,If you are a dad, I applaud you. It's not an easy job being a father, but the rewards are well worth it. I'm the proud dad of two wonderful daughters,and I can tell you the experience of watching them flourish in life has been incredible ...
Our best selling Celestron Advanced VX mount and telescopes are on Sale
June 16th, 2018 at 2:35 pm EDTCelestron Advanced VX Summer Sale Take your pick! Celestron's super popular Advanced VX Equatorial Mount is on sale now, and so are the AVX telescope packages that include Schmidt-Cassegrains, Refractors, Newtonians, and the amazing EdgeHD optical ...
Save up to $3600 during the Meade Sweet 16 Sale
June 15th, 2018 at 12:53 pm EDTSave up to $3600 during the Meade Sweet 16 Sale! You heard that right.Choose the Meade LX200-ACF 16" OTA for mounting on your own high-capacity mount, or buy a 16" LX200-ACF or LX600-ACF Telescope System with or without the tripod.This sale is rounde ...