Subject: Your sermon (rant) for Sunday, just in case you missed church today

Your sermon (rant) for Sunday, just in case you missed church today

March 12th, 2017 at 1:43 pm EDT

Hello Friend,First of all let let's get this out of the way: Daylight Savings Time is just plain stoopid.I had to sleep in an extra hour, to make up for the hour of sleep that I was going to lose otherwise.Now here is sad tale, that you can learn a v ...

Four Easy ways to get started in Astrophotography

March 11th, 2017 at 1:22 pm EDT

Hello Friend,I'm often asked the question (I personally dabble in astro-imaging, but I'm no expert) on what are the best waysto get started in imaging.My suggestions are as follows:1) Start with your iPhone/smartphone and an inexpensive iPhone adapto ...

Winter Stargazing for Wimps in Six easy lessons

March 9th, 2017 at 2:41 pm EDT

Hello Friend,Look I know it's hard to get motivated to go outside in the Winter to look up at the sky.Do you ever find that you really want to go out, but just can't seem to get motivated when it's so frickin' cold?No excuse to wimp out any longer, b ...

Behind the scenes at Khan Scope Centre

March 8th, 2017 at 3:42 pm EDT

Hello Friend,Have you checked out our new "Daily Deals" Page yet?If not then you might be missing out on one of our best NEW website features yet, that we've been working on herebehind the scenes at Khan Scope,You will find discount on popular items, ...

Avoid this mistake, and you'll be end up a happy camper

March 6th, 2017 at 4:44 pm EDT

Hello Friend,You'll see how buying the WRONG telescope in the first place can end up costing you more money than buying the rightone, and spending a bit extra initially.OK, let me explain further.Beam me up Scotty!He already owned a very basic telesc ...

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