Subject: I have a confession to make, and a lesson from Jesus
I have a confession to make, and a lesson from Jesus
May 30th, 2015 at 10:11 am EDTHello Friend, Several years ago I was at NEAF when Hydrogen alpha telescopes at reasonable priceswere being introduced to amateur astronomers by Coronado telescopes. And I recall being out in the field, where they had this really small telescope se ...
This cat has serious problems!
May 28th, 2015 at 4:18 pm EDTHello Friend, Our pet cat Merlin thinks he has some serious problems. Here is what happens just about every morning. Merlin wakes up real early, then proceeds to meow loudly until he get's his breakfastserved to him. He just grazes on it for a few ...
New lighter weight computerized EQ mount from Skywatcher
May 27th, 2015 at 4:23 pm EDTHello Friend, I've been meaning to tell you about this mount for a few weeks now, but keep forgetting to do so. Its a brand new product for 2015 from the folks at Skywatcher, and its worth checking out One of the features I really like on it is the ...
The dumbest show on television?
May 26th, 2015 at 3:22 pm EDTHello Friend, A business colleague of mine recently mentioned that he thought the dumbest show ever on television was none other than Gilligan's Island. He went as far as to say that even when the Harlem Globetrotters showed up, the Professorstill ...
I was cream crackered at the end of it all
May 25th, 2015 at 2:17 pm EDTHello Friend, If you've ever had to weed a garden by hand you would have a very good idea as towhy I might be somewhat 'cream crackered'. Now for those that don't know, cream crackered is an slang used in the UK means essentially knackered, which m ...
The Sun ain't gonna shine anymore
May 22nd, 2015 at 4:18 pm EDTHello Friend, That's not really true at all. The sun is shining brightly this afternoon in Toronto, in fact. It's the title of an old song that just came into my head, way back in the time machine, in 1966. You might remember it: The group was the W ...
Whoops! I made a boo boo
May 20th, 2015 at 4:56 pm EDTHello Friend, Well I really blew it yesterday. Don't know what I was thinking but somehow I got Victoria Day and Canada Day all mixed up. Many of you were kind enough to remind me of that also. Yes, Canada day will come soon enough. And hopefully ...
Easy Peasy, 123
May 19th, 2015 at 4:13 pm EDTHello Friend, Hope you enjoyed the Canada day weekend. I had loads of fun mowing the grass, and knocking off a few of "honey do" items, onmy sweetie's list. I think the list keeps getting longer though. Fortunately, at the end of the day, a cold ...
No set of Ginsu knives included
May 16th, 2015 at 11:53 am EDTHello Friend, Although a set of Ginsu knives might have been useful this morning,I was thinking when I woke up. Why? Had to take our cat Merlin to the local vet for a rabies shot and in addition to thathe had to have his very sharp claws cut. You cou ...
A Humdinger of a promotion, that starts today
May 15th, 2015 at 10:56 am EDTA Proven Performer.. The Meade LX90 On Sale Now! ᅠ Looking for the ideal ᅠtelescope for both visual and astroimaging? Then look no further.... The Meade LX90 ACF Series is the answer ! Three sizes to choose from: You Save $210! ᅠ8 inch LX9 ...