Subject: Nothing that a glass of wine won't cure

Nothing that a glass of wine won't cure

September 24th, 2014 at 11:05 am EDT

Hello Friend, Living in the city has it's modern conveniences. You don't think twice about flipping the thermostat in the Winter. In the North country, it's a bit different. Our home is heated with a wood burning fireplace. That means, you have to st ...

Early morning skies and another look at Comet PanSTARRS

September 22nd, 2014 at 1:34 pm EDT

Hello Friend, Remember Comet PanSTARRS? Well, it's back! There were great expectations for it, but it kind of fizzled out. Usaully the case for any comet that get's hyped up in the media. (ie Kohutek). If you are an early riser though, you'll be ab ...

How you can Master the art of solar system photography

September 21st, 2014 at 11:40 am EDT

Master the art of solar system photography! Have you seen some photographs of solar system objects that are so incredible that you would love to know how they are done - and if you could do it yourself? Now those questions can be answered! High Reso ...

Why kerosene and tent's don't mix.

September 20th, 2014 at 10:33 am EDT

Hello Friend, Many years ago when I was attending the Starfest star party, and tenting it, I stoppedat the Canadian tire store on the way to pick up a light for my tent, just in casemy red flashlites didn't do the job. I bought a kerosene lamp, which ...

Arrrrrrrr Billy, have yer ever been to sea?

September 19th, 2014 at 2:10 pm EDT

Hello Friend, Listen up laddie.....(or lasses for that matter). First off, it's international Pirate's day today, so ahoy maties! Listen up laddie.....(or lasses for that matter). Scotland will continue to be includedas part of the UK. Now before yer ...

Will the Haggis get away?

September 18th, 2014 at 4:31 pm EDT

Hello Friend,My England includes Scotland,With the historic vote taking place today over the pond, I do hope that the "No vote" wins.Why?Well, imagine Canada without Quebec. (Ok, I know what some of you are imagining right now, so maybe that was not ...

What's better than dark skies?

September 17th, 2014 at 1:53 pm EDT

Hello Friend, What's better than dark skies? How about an Explore Scientific Telescope rebate sale? Explore Scientific telescopes are the real deal. Not only are the optics top notch, but they are made with care.Founded by Scott Roberts (formerly ...

A miscreant blunder, a warped, idle headed bugbear indeed!

September 16th, 2014 at 12:01 pm EDT

Hello Friend, Yesterday I made a bit of a blunder. (#earth-vexing) I announced that it was the last day of the Coronado H-Alpha telescope Sale, but thelink you got was expired and so the prices shown were not the sale prices, but in factthe regular p ...

The difference between a dedicated H alpha Solar Scope, and a regular solar filter

September 15th, 2014 at 1:15 pm EDT

Hello Friend, Seems there is a bit of confusion amongst some folks as the actual differences between an H Alpha filterand a regular mylar/glass type solar filter, so I'll clarify that here. 1) A glass/mylar solar filter which usually mounts on the f ...

Sufferin' Suckotash! It's all over in less than two days.

September 14th, 2014 at 2:13 pm EDT

Hello Friend, With all the activity taking place on the Sun these last few days, here is a quick reminder that time is running outon your opportunity to grab one of these value priced Coronado Solar telescopes. Yep, observing the Sun is a daytime act ...

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