Subject: Gosh, I forgot to tell you this earlier today
Gosh, I forgot to tell you this earlier today
August 31st, 2014 at 3:21 pm EDTHello Friend, I should have mentioned this earlier, but today is your last chance to take advantage of thissale that ends today at 6pm. Hot diggity dog, my apologies. Clear Skies, Ray Khan Hot Summer Deals on Celestron Imaging! To kick things off ...
The Milky way shines brightly over Manitoulin Skies
August 31st, 2014 at 9:21 am EDTHello Friend, The Milky way usually shines brightly over Manitoulin skies. Not this weekend though. However, I did enjoy catching up with my old buddy, Dieter Ilg and a few other chumsat the Gordon's Park Star Party. If you want to read all about th ...
Make this observing mistake, and you'll suffer
August 30th, 2014 at 11:12 am EDTHello Friend, Recently, when I attended a star party, I had the pleasure of meeting several novices who had justgotten their first telescopes and were excited about learning how to use them. They wanted to know how to improve the views through their ...
How to get the best optical images from your telescope.
August 29th, 2014 at 2:40 pm EDTHello Friend, There is nothing like the joy of observing through a well aligned (collimated) telescope. Seriously, if your optics are not in good optical alignment (and this includes refractor telescopes),you simply won't get good quality images. I n ...
Are you confused about eyepieces?
August 28th, 2014 at 2:12 pm EDTHello Friend, One of the questions I often get asked at Star Parties is: "What is the best eyepiece for my telescope"? Fact is, that their are many objective factors, and some some subjective factors. With the plethora of eyepieces and brands on t ...
Reclaiming dark skies in your neighbourhood
August 27th, 2014 at 6:01 pm EDTHello Friend, Light pollution's negative effect's can be insidious. Starting at home is the first step: First thing to do is reduce the number of outside lights you have at home,in your driveway, for example Secondly, use lower wattage bulbs when pos ...
Observe Comet Jacques now, here's how to find it
August 26th, 2014 at 11:37 am EDTHello Friend,Last weekend I observed Comet Jacques, and man if you want to see it as well, now is the time!Don't wait!To make it easy I've put some specific details on how to locate it onour main page with some other interesting inf ...
Starfest report: Here is what happened
August 25th, 2014 at 12:42 pm EDTHello Friend, There is nothing quite like it. You get up in the morning, work all day, then stargaze for most of the evening. Rinse, repeat. But it's worth it. Who the heck needs sleep? I have always maintained that you should not plan to attend a S ...
Here's how to cure astronomy boredom fast
August 22nd, 2014 at 7:20 am EDTHello Friend, Maybe you've gotten bored with your hobby of astronomy lately. Perhaps it's just not as fun. Here is a way to revejunate your interest real fast. Just attend a Star Party. Any Star Party. They are all over the place in North Americaand ...
Where did the Summer go?
August 21st, 2014 at 9:53 am EDTHello Friend, Well here in southern Ontario, the better question might be when did Summer actually begin? Here we are in the final few weeks of Summer, and getting ready for some fall observing,and at the very least, an Indian Summer to boot. You sim ...