Subject: What you can learn from a 5 year old kid

What you can learn from a 5 year old kid

April 30th, 2014 at 10:11 am EDT

Hello Friend, Five year old kids can be fascinating. Especially when they are not your own. The other day, while waiting in line in the local coffeeshop here in the North Country, a place run by "Crazy Lloyd", whom I am pretty sure is an ex motorcyc ...

Join us at the Astrocats Canadian Astronomy show, May 3rd and 4th

April 29th, 2014 at 11:38 am EDT

Hello Friend, The Astrocat's is better than a raccoon in an Iowa Cornfield! Better, than watching Robert Redford doing a solo performance in a 2 hour movie....(and then some). It's really where the action will be happening this upcoming weekend. Now ...

The loons have arrived!

April 28th, 2014 at 12:33 pm EDT

Hello Friend, Has Spring really arrived? Well, it depends where you live of course. I mean just 2 days ago, I was looking at 3 inches of fresh snow. Today, it's all gone, and sunny outside. The groundhog has hung his head in shame as well for exte ...

Is Feminism is alive and well?

April 26th, 2014 at 10:34 am EDT

Hello Friend, With Spring around the corner supposedly (not today though, because it just snowed last night here in the North country), we are having part of our house painted, by a very nice man, who also just happens to be single as well. As I wa ...

The perfect telescope for you

April 25th, 2014 at 12:04 pm EDT

Hello Friend, What's the perfect telescope to use?It's a question I am often asked by many amateur astronomers. Recently I have been quite excited, about the new generation of tablet and smartphone telescope control devicesfor some of the new Celes ...

A bargain priced scope on Kijiji?

April 24th, 2014 at 11:55 am EDT

Hello Friend, Everybody loves to get a bargain. No question about it And sometimes what appears to be a really good deal, can turn out to be a really bad deal. Lately, we've had a few customers buying telescopes on Kijiji, and then finding out they ...

An abandoned telescope, left on our doorstep

April 23rd, 2014 at 9:08 am EDT

Hello Friend, Recently, when arriving to the store on a weekday morning, Alex found what appeared to be a bag of garbage infront of the main door. Turns out, inside the bag was a telescope, with a note attached.The note said, that the telescope was n ...

Why the new Celestron Nexstar Evolution might not be for you

April 22nd, 2014 at 12:43 pm EDT

Hello Friend, Sure, everyone is excited about the new Celestron Nexstar Evolution series.However, it's not a telescope designed for everyone. And I want to make a clear distinction todayas to why it may not be the right instrument for you.Now, person ...

The craziness behind the Celestron EVOLUTION product launch

April 21st, 2014 at 11:48 am EDT

Hello Friend, Product launches can be an absolutely crazy time.And the recent new product launch of Celestron's new line of telescopes, the NexStar Evolution is no exception. Let me tell you a story from years ago.My Dad was in the electronics busine ...

The Easter Bunny strikes again

April 20th, 2014 at 2:04 pm EDT

Hello Friend, The Easter Bunny has gotten out of control.When my two daughters, Chantal and Danielle were youngsters, we would hide Easter eggs in the backyardfor them to find. It was always a race to see who could find the most, and occasionally, we ...

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