Subject: A halloween "trick" by Meade Instruments?
A halloween "trick" by Meade Instruments?
October 31st, 2014 at 2:54 pm EDTHello Friend, Halloween is usually a time that we look forward to treats. You know like perhaps a Tim Horton's pumpkin spice muffin, or donut perhaps? Or perhaps not. When my Children were small, I used to inspect their candy bags, after they came ba ...
A spooktacular image
October 30th, 2014 at 2:09 pm EDTHello Friend, With halloween soon to be upon us, I thought it might be fitting to show you an astronomical imagethat could be quite spooky. And here is one that exactly fits the bill (Courtesy of NASA). Take a look and see for yourself. ...
Bigfoot and the Big Bang theory
October 29th, 2014 at 4:34 pm EDTHello Friend, Well, just when you think you've heard it all. There is a study which claims that 20% of Americans are as likely to believe in Bigfoot, as they are the Big Bang Theory. And about 45% believe that Satan causes all the problems in the wo ...
Sanity has prevailed!
October 28th, 2014 at 2:39 pm EDTHello Friend, Last year when I was in Northern California, I dropped into a small town, along the Pacific Coast Highway #1. If you've never driven the Pacific Coast highway, #1, it's quite a lovely drive, and hugs the coast from SanFrancisco, all the ...
It's election day here in Toronto!
October 27th, 2014 at 1:24 pm EDTHello Friend, Well certainly the world does not revolve around Toronto. However, the hijinks of the past few months of election campaigning have beenover the top. In several cases, if you do the math that the candidates offer, for some of their progr ...
What's going on with Rene Zellwegers face?
October 24th, 2014 at 2:15 pm EDTHello Friend,For some reason, there is a lot of interest in that question right now, and personally I don't really care.Something to do with plastic surgery.Hollywood stars do that all the time. Halloween perhaps?NEXT!There is something far more in ...
Get ready for Today's Solar Eclipse
October 23rd, 2014 at 1:31 pm EDTHello Friend,Today's partial eclipse of the Sun will be a good one, depending on where you are.If you are out on the West Coast of Canada, like I am ,where it's raining cats and dogswell just fuggadaboutit.It will depend of course on your local time, ...
Shop smart, grab this before the holiday madness starts!
October 19th, 2014 at 3:05 pm EDTShop smart... Buy this Meade Telescope before the holiday madness starts! The Meade StarNavigator 130mm GoTo Reflector Telescope has a motorized altazimuth mount that is ideal for amateur astronomers and hobbyists beginning their stargazing adventu ...
a Bull Elk of a deal
October 17th, 2014 at 11:17 am EDTHello Friend,Here in Banff, Alberta Canada you are essentially in a National park.There is also a very nice parkway, called the Bow valley parkway which runs betweenBanff and Lake Louise, where there are various stops along the way, and if you are lu ...
A special offer for the early bird
October 15th, 2014 at 3:12 pm EDTThis AudioStar equipped Meade Telescope comes with all the accessories... for FREE! The Meade LX90-ACF 8" can locate over 30,000 objects including itself. Turn it on and the built-in GPS receiver immediately determines your precise date, time, and lo ...