Subject: Sufferin' Suckotash! Celestron Telescope and CGEM computerized mounts Sale ends today!
Sufferin' Suckotash! Celestron Telescope and CGEM computerized mounts Sale ends today!
March 31st, 2012 at 5:25 am EDTHello Friend, Today is the final day to order a Celestron CGEM or CGEM HD telescope or a CGEM or CGEM DX Computerizedmount. The Sale ends today at store closing 6:59pm. This is a genuine sale, with genuine Savings! And....Don't forget that TRADE-INS ...
Meade 40th Anniversary -"Bonus Accesories Promotion ends this Saturday!
March 29th, 2012 at 5:10 am EDTHello Friend, This Meade Accessories promotion is ending this Saturday March 31st! It's not to late to take advantage though......this is a pretty good deal, butunfortunately, it is coming to an end this Saturday. For questions, or to order give us a ...
Celestron Quality Telescopes and Computerized CGEM Mounts Promotion ending soon
March 18th, 2012 at 4:47 am EDTCelestron CGEM & CGEM HD TELESCOPES now on Sale with INSTANT REBATES till MARCH 31ST !In stock now, and new shipments arriving on a regular basis......These are the hottest in products in the Celestron line!No coupons to send in, no fuss, no mu ...
Friend, a Celestron Icon passes away this week.
March 17th, 2012 at 6:47 am EDTHello Friend, Tom Johnson, one of the original founders of Celestron International, passed away this week.He was the man who actually found a way to manufacture on production basis, one of the most lovedtelescopes used by amateur astronomers the wo ...
Celestron Cgem & HD Cgem promotion, PLUS CGEM & CGEM DX Mounts....
March 9th, 2012 at 2:05 am EDTCelestron (11097) CGEM 800 - On sale Now!!! Hurry offer expires March 31st On Sale! $1,970.00 CDN DETAILS Celestron (11098) CGEM 925 -On Sale Now! Hurry..offer expires March 31st On Sale! $2,519.00 CDN DETAILS Celestron (11099) CGEM 1 ...
Why are we giving away these BONUS Eyepieces with the Celestron Nexstar 8 and Nexstar 6 SE?
March 4th, 2012 at 5:54 am EDTHello Friend, Well it's simple Really. The NexStar 6 and the Nexstar 8 SE computerized telescopes from Celestron are two of our bestselling scopes. Why? Here are a few reasons; I have personally tested both instruments in the field, and find they re ...
A Computerized Solar Telescope for under $450? You bet....and here it is..............
March 2nd, 2012 at 2:11 am EDTNEW! iOptron (8507) The Solar 60TM ComputerizedTelescope With solar filter -In stock!Ideal for watching the Transit of Venus in June... the last planetary transit in our lifetime. New from iOptron -- The Solar 60TM computerized telescope system! No ...