Subject: Weekend Sale at Khan Scope Centre...............
Weekend Sale at Khan Scope Centre...............
April 30th, 2010 at 2:27 pm EDTMay Madness In-store Clearance Sale!This Weekend Saturday and Sunday Only May 1st and 2nd USED Telescopes. Wepay the taxes!Used Accessories and Eyepieces...30%OFFSpecialOffer, this weekend only! Buyany Meade Brand 6" or 8" SCT or ACF Model and get ...
Save up to $1400 on a Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain!
April 27th, 2010 at 8:18 am EDTCelestronTelescope Sale!Save up to $1400 on a Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain...!Right now, we are offering instant savings on selectCelestron Telescope models and Optical Tube assemblies as well.Don't Miss your chance to save $$$.The Advanced Series o ...
3 Day Weekend In-Store Sale! We pay the taxes on all Used Telescopes! Plus more....
April 9th, 2010 at 6:41 am EDT3 Day In-store Sale! Friday April 11, Sat. 12th, Sun. 13thAll Used Telescopes on Sale We pay the Taxes! You Save13%!Plus: Save 25% on all used eyepieces and accessories! Shop early for best selection........ I Live for the Sun!Years ago there was a ...
Khan Scope Centre AstroNotes April 8 2010... Is your Telescope properly Collimated? Get the Best Images now!
April 8th, 2010 at 1:08 pm EDTKhan Scope Centre AstroNotes April 7 2010 Is your Telescope Properly Collimated? I recall a while ago, I was at a Star Party, atthe Ontario Science Centre in Toronto, and there were several telescopes that amateur astronomers were using to show ...
Yes, the Easter Bunny does exist Virginia..............!
April 1st, 2010 at 1:29 pm EDTKhan Scope Centre AstroNotes April 1 2010 Yes, the Easter Bunny does exist! He goes by the name Lindt, and you can see him in just about every department or drug store you go into....stacks and stacks of these little Bunnies, in gold foil. Personally ...