Subject: SAVE $100 on the New Meade 6" Lightswitch Self Aligning GotoTelescope

SAVE $100 on the New Meade 6" Lightswitch Self Aligning GotoTelescope

November 25th, 2010 at 7:07 pm EDT

This Weekend, you can save $100 off our regular price of the New Meade 6" Lightswitch Self Aligning Telescope. Plus, as a bonus, Meade will send you the LS6 Monitor, a $115 value, FREE of charge. This offer expires midnight Monday November 29th Wa ...

SAVE $200 on the Meade 127 ED Triplet APO -Offer expires November 25th

November 22nd, 2010 at 4:00 am EDT

We just received a shipment of the Meade 127 ED Triplet APO, and until November 25th you can get a cool $200 SAVINGS ON This Telescope right now. Want to know more? Just click on this link! Clear Skies, Your Friends at Khan Scopes ...

Big Bang Coming to an end soon.

November 17th, 2010 at 12:22 pm EDT

Hello Friend, Just a quick reminder that the Meade BIG BANG Promotion is coming to an end soon, November 30th. It's a huge giveaway by Meade that give you FREE products with the purchase of a range of instruments,including a Coronado SolarMax 40 H al ...

There's never been a better time to buy a Celestron CPC Goto Telescope!

November 15th, 2010 at 9:08 am EDT

You can Save $400 to $676 Instantly, when you buy one of our Best selling Celestron CPC Go To Telescopes!Until December 31st No Rebate forms to send in, and no waiting to get your Rebates either. You will get an Instant Rebate, right off our regular ...

Rememberance Day "Lest we Forget": The Lochnagar Crater

November 11th, 2010 at 5:06 am EDT

Hello Friend, Today is a day to remember and Thank all the Veterans, and today's Peacekeepers, for their Valiant effortsto keep our cherished freedoms that we enjoy. Generally, when we think of a Crater on our Planet, we think of a Meteor Impact on ...

Help... There's a mouse in my Telescope.!

November 5th, 2010 at 10:23 am EDT

Hello Friend, Over the course of the year, our technician sees all kinds of telescopes coming in for service. In many of the instances, the problems could have been prevented in the first place by somesimple preventative maintainance. For example, ...

Celestron NexStar SE-Offering you Quality, and now a Special Bonus!

November 2nd, 2010 at 11:45 am EDT

Hello Friend, The Celestron NexStar SE telescopes already offer some of the best Values in Telescopes in the Astronomymarketplace. Well now they have just gone one step better! Celestron will send you a $100 Mastercard gift card when you buy your SE, ...

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