Subject: What will they think of Next?? Some New Astronomy Products from Orion and Celestron........
What will they think of Next?? Some New Astronomy Products from Orion and Celestron........
October 27th, 2010 at 12:18 pm EDTKhan Scope Centre AstroNotes October 27th 2010Dear Fellow Astronomy Buffs,Here are some exciting new Products, from Orion and Celestron.And Don't forget! The Meade BIG BANG Promotion offer EXPIRES OCTOBER 31ST2010! It's your last opportunity to take ...
One World, One Sky: Discover the History of Astronomy and Humanity's relation to the Night Sky
October 15th, 2010 at 12:55 pm EDTGreetings Friend, This Saturday October 16th , we invite you to join us at the Ontario Science Centre, located at the SW corner of Don Mills and Eglinton Avenue in Toronto for a day long Celebration. Along with a number of other colleagues, we will b ...
Daytime or Nightime Astronomy? Or Both!!!!
October 8th, 2010 at 4:18 am EDTFriend,I remember years ago, (I mean like a long time ago) when I could go observing on a cool fall evening, and staying up tillt he wee hours of the morning observing, get a few hours sleep, and get up and go to work the next day. Or occassionally,e ...