Subject: Khan Scope Boxing Day Sale, Saturday December 26th , 9am to 8pm

Khan Scope Boxing Day Sale, Saturday December 26th , 9am to 8pm

December 26th, 2009 at 4:25 am EDT

KhanScope Centre Boxing Day Sale December 26th Saturday 9am to 8pm Other Specials are listed on the Website, Here are some of the more Popular models listed below Item Meade Telescopes Regular Price Sale Pr ...

Khan Scope Boxing Day Sale, Saturday December 26th , 9am to 8pm

December 24th, 2009 at 1:00 pm EDT

KhanScope Centre Boxing Day SaleDecember 26thSaturday 9am to 8pmOther Specials are listed on the Website, Here are some of the more Popular models listed below Item Meade Telescopes Regular Price Sale Price ETX 6 ...

Happy Holidays from Khan Scope Centre,Friend

December 23rd, 2009 at 1:46 pm EDT

Happy Holidays to Everyone Merry Christmas! We would like to Thank you for your Patronage, past and present and future! Sincerely, Ray Khan & Staff Wishing you and Yours ...

Khan Scope Centre AstroNotes -International Year of Astronomy a Success! ,Friend

December 17th, 2009 at 7:31 am EDT

Khan Scope Centre AstroNotes December 17th 2009-The International Year of AstronomyI think it's fair to say that The International Year of Astronomy inCanada has so far been a resounding Success! Well over 1 million, (and counting) Canadians experien ...

Khan Scope Centre Astronotes.....New! Meade announces 8 inch LIghtswtich Telescope..

December 11th, 2009 at 8:56 am EDT

Khan Scope Centre AstroNotes December 11 2009It's not to late to obtain delivery of products prior to theHolidays....Please order early, to ensure sufficient delivery time and tominimize freight charges which can be costly if utilizing expedited or e ...

What not to do with your Green Laser Pointer.............Khan Scope AstroNotes Newsletter Dec 7 2009

December 6th, 2009 at 1:54 pm EDT

Khan Scope Centre Astro Notes December 7th 2009New!Meade ETX LS6 SC Lightswitch Telescope with Handsfree Automatic Alignment Built in Imager!Now in Stock!The Meade ETX LS6 Telescope was chosen by Sky and Telescope Magazine asone of their Hot Product ...

Save $50 on the New TeleVue 21mm Ethos Eyepiece!Friend

November 26th, 2009 at 10:11 am EDT

The New Ethos 21mm 2", 100 Degree Apparent Field Eyepiece Your Opportunity to Save $50 by Pre-ordering Now! We have Limited Stocks arriving in mid- December, and since First production from TeleVue is already sold ...

Attend these Free Presentations on the New Meade ETX LS6 TelescopeFriend

November 25th, 2009 at 10:12 am EDT

Hey Folks,The Meade ETX LS6 Lightswitch Telescope has received the Sky and TelescopeMagazine "Hot Product of2010" Award, given to products that represent a true innovation inthe field of Amateur Astronomy.If you are interested in learning more about ...

SAVE $300 on a Celestron CGEM or get a $100 REBATE on a NexStar Telescope

November 24th, 2009 at 9:41 am EDT

Here are some excellent offers from our friends atCelestron! Just in time for the Holiday Season! With these deals, and the strong Canadian Dollarright now, there simply isn't a better time to purchase these instruments! SAVE $300, Instant Rebate, ...

Khan Scope Centre AstroNotes November 13th -Will the World end in 2012?

November 13th, 2009 at 8:38 am EDT

Khan Scope Centre AstroNotes November 13th 2009Oh No! It's Friday the 13th........... Hopefully, you aren't one ofthose people that believes that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day! If you are, Iapologize in advance for reminding you. With the New H ...

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