Subject: a Bull Elk of a deal

Hello Friend,

Here in Banff, Alberta  Canada you are essentially in a National park.

There  is also a very nice parkway, called the Bow valley parkway which runs between
Banff and Lake Louise, where there are various stops along the way, and if you are lucky
you might see some wildlife.

Well, we didn't see a darn thing, but that's ok, because it was still a beautiful drive anyway.

When we got back to the hotel, as I turned the corner to take the stairs to our room, I came
face to face with a giant Bull Elk staring at me from about 20ft away, and blocking the stairway.

Huge antlers and all!

Truly, a scary sight because you see it's mating season right now, and these guys are in heat.

And I don't want to be the one to get in the middle of that.

Then it took me a second to realize, that this park was his turf, and I was the visitor in it,
so I backed away, and waited for him to move on, whenever he was ready.

Quite a majestic animal, and he bumped his huge antlers into everything from tree branches,
and stairways.   

At some point something startled him, and he took off into the bushes.

And he disappeared!

Did you know, that we are giving away a FREE Celestron 7amp powertank, till October 31st
with the purchase of  select models of Celestron telescopes, which also happen to be on sale,
till October 31st.

Here is the link:

Don't wait long, like the Bull Elk, it will disappear soon.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan